Friday, January 21, 2011

Ignore this as well(:

Tiffani Williamson
The Life of a Coin

                I’ve heard their debates.  Sure, the booming voices are muffled by thick layers of cotton and polyester, and the shining silver broads are constantly wrestling for the tightest nook, ching-ing and bickering, but I’ve heard them, nonetheless.  They say “what’s the point?” I cost more than I’m worth, and “they’re” tossing away millions of dollars a year.  I haven’t quite figured or who “they” are, or where they are, but they must care about me. Why else would they bother? I’ve got to be important somehow.
                I used to glimmer like all the other coins; I was immaculate, smiling and brilliant. Strangers would lift me off a dirty street and speak of luck before tucking me away in their chest pocket, where I could feel their hearts beating vigorously against my russet cheek.  Years later, my full copper hair has fallen flat and I’m slowly fading to a dingy dung green. I find myself among weak and limber dryer sheets and emptied thoughtlessly on a cluttered desk, soon to be forgotten.
                Today, I’m thrilled to feel the bright sun shining on my drooping facade.  Sparkles of fluttering jade dance above me and a warm breeze sweeps over my face; a child calls out in the distance. 
                The hollers trailed closer and a warm touch brushed my jaw.  “Heads up mommy!” eagerly exclaimed a round faced boy with glistening gold hair as he smiled down on me.  A coffee colored woman came up behind him, but I hadn’t paid much attention to her.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Please ignore this d;

“The Making of a Life”

Amy Byrd: 37 years old, 4ft 9' tall, with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. She is light-hearted and flighty
Michelle Hardy: 30 years old, 5ft 6' tall, with emerald green eyes and ginger hair. She is extroverted and clever but can be miserable
Reverend Iles Luther:  Offensive ruler of the nearby church, 51 years old, 5ft 7' tall, with sharp blue eyes and mousey brown hair
James Handel: The friendly neighbor, 37 years old, 6ft 1' tall, with deep brown eyes and light brown hair. He is sentimental and positive but can be aggressive
Setting:  Marina Loop in the small town of Bluewater in Arizona, early 21st century.

Scene One
Amy and Michelle enter from left stage.  Amy is holding a box over her stomach, struggling with the weight, while Michelle drags a suitcase on wheels.
Amy: [solemnly] I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel like home. I mean, what happens if the job falls through?
Michelle: Babydoll, have a little faith in me. We’re here to start over, to reinvent ourselves. I know it’s nothing like Massachusetts, but it’s a chance for us to be a family.
Amy: But, what happens i—
Michelle: [interrupts Amy] Shh, it will work out just fine. I swear.
They step up onto a porch with a dim orange glow and set down their packages. Michelle puts her hand on the small of Amy’s back and Amy rests her head on Michelle’s shoulder. Michelle kisses her on the head as James Handel strolls in from the right with a small dog.
James: Oh, well ‘ello there! You must be the new couple in town, I tell ya, ‘erbody down at Mitchell’s has been hootin’ and hollerin’ about ch’all.
Michelle: [confused] Oh? What on earth have they said?
Amy looks up, but remains speechless.
James: Eh, just that weh’allre baffled that Mr. Peters sold his house to, well, someone like… well I don’t mean to sound so harsh. It’s just, we a’int never had a couple… like you here in Danby.
Michelle: [aggravated] Like… us? Well, I’ll tell you, sir, there is nothing wrong with us. [Even more so angry] If you think we’ll stand for-
Amy: Michelle…
James: Oh gosh, ma’am. I di’nt mean to offend no one. In fact, I was nominated to welcome y’alls into the town. Why don’t you shimmy on in to settle down and head on over tuh my place. It’s right next door ya know! I’ll give ya all the who’s who and where’s wheres! Name’s James by the way, James Handel. I work on down at Schneider’s Factory.
Amy: Oh, how pleasant! Michelle just got a job there as well. She’ll be your new Logistics Manager! Sent down straight outta Chilmark, Massachusetts. 
Amy smiles up at Michelle as she picks the box back up. Michelle pulls up the handle on the luggage.
James: [cheerily] Well nice to meet cha, Boss!
Michelle: [snarling] The pleasure is all mine. Well, we have some settling in to do, and I bet you have to be going. It was nice to meet you uh, James.
Michelle puts one hand on Amy’s waist and they enter into the house. James waves and hurries the dog out of sight through the left. The lights dim to show the falling sun and a light flicks on through a window of their house, shining onto the porch. Michelle and Amy step onto the porch and set close together on its edge, each holding a drink.
Amy: You were right, it sure is beautiful down here.
Michelle: I told you honey, we’ll be living the highlife in a matter of months.
Amy: Yeah, I suppose. But baby?
Michelle: Yeah?
Amy: When are we gonna start a family? You know it’s the one thing I’ve always wanted.
Michelle: I was thinking about that on the journey down here. I think it’s about time.
Amy: Oh, baby! I’m so happy, are you sure?! It’s been so long since we’ve talked about this, d’you really think we’re ready?!
Michelle: Amy, darling, calm down! We can’t rush these things, it’ll take a lot of work. There’s no such thing as a magic stork.
Amy: Oh, I know! But I’m so very excited; I’ve always wanted to be a mommy!
 Michelle: Amy, relax. Let’s start our own lives here before we have to worry about bringing in another one.
Amy leans over to rest on Michelle’s shoulder.
Amy:  Good idea honey. I’m kinda sleepy, a lot of hard work today. Are you coming in soon?
Michelle: I’ll be in shortly, right after I finish my drink. Gonna enjoy this beautiful crystal sky.
Amy kisses Michelle’s cheek and slinks off inside. Lights dim and the curtains close.
Scene 2
Reverend:  It’s sickening. How on God’s great Earth did Schneider even hear about this dirty broad?
James: Oh Reverend, they really ain’t so bad, loverly ladies them two.
Reverend: They’re disgusting! God never intended for-
Amy walks into view from the right entrance, carrying a basket of fruits, breads, and eggs.
Amy: [smiles] Well hello there James!
The Reverend scowls and extends his hand, reaching for Amy’s.
Reverend: Hello Miss. Byrd. My name is Reverend Iles Luther, and I’ve heard a lot about you.
James: ‘Ello there Miss. Amy! Me and Reverend Luther here ‘ave been a’chattin about you.
Amy smiles and shakes the Reverend’s hand before releasing and turning to James.
Amy: James, Michelle and I are having a big Italian dinner, you’re welcome to join us.
James: Why thank you darlin’! I’ll so be there!
Amy: Great! Michelle and I have a few questions about the neighborhood, at it’s, uhmm, standards.
Reverend: [clears throat] Ahem, What kind of standards?
Michelle walks in and settles closely to Amy’s side, taking hold of the basket.

Michelle: [smiles snarkly] We'd like to start a family, actually.

Michelle squeezes Amy slightly and warmly, radiating a happy glow.
