Monday, November 15, 2010

Ink Castatrophe.

Possibly my least favorite of our projects yet far, this exercise in ink and water tested my patience to say the least. I feel I did the best I could do with my knowlege at the time we started. I had no goals in beginning this project other than making it mildly recognizable, so I feel I did quite well under the given circumstances.

Medium used: Black ink and water
Time taken for completion: 120 minutes
Problems encountered: Avoiding bleeding of the ink.
Successes: Shadowing.

Skelatinous Waste.

My second week in Mr. Taylor's class, we had a project in which we were challenged to view the human skeleton in an unique and original way. I both sketched and shaded this photo while laying on my stomach on an angled tabletop.

My goal, in starting this project, was to improve my sense of value between highlights and shadows, however, i feel i chose too simple of a focal point to show this sense of gradient effectively. Overall, however, I feel I did very well when viewing my final project.

Medium used: White and black charcoal
Time taken for completion: approx. 80 minutes
Problems encountered: Keeping my hands elevated so as to not smudge my white and black charcoal into one big, grey mess.
Successes: Effective highlights on ribs

Friday, November 12, 2010

White Charcoal Seashell

This was my first project done for this class, and overall, I feel I did quite well. I am very pleased with myself! The texture I conveyed appears very convincing, and I am very fond of the arc of the shell's shadow.

Medium used: White Charcoal
Time taken for completion: 120 minutes
Problems encountered: It was hard acheiving a convincing scheme of values using only one medium of the same pigment.
Successes: Texture